Search for tag: "ubc dentistry"

Archwires and Archwire Ligation - Dr. Paul Witt

Archwires and Archwire Ligation Dr. Paul Witt Continuing Dental Education Faculty of Dentistry, The University of British Columbia

From  Kaltura Team 0 plays 0  

New Periodontal and Peri-Implant Classification System: What You Need to Know - Dr. Walton

New Periodontal and Peri-Implant Classification System: What You Need to Know - Dr. Phil WaltonUBC Continuing Dental Education Faculty of Dentistry, The University of British Columbia -- Finished …

From  Kaltura Team 0 plays 0  

Implant Maintenance The Entire Dental Team Must Know - Dr. Walton

Implant Maintenance The Entire Dental Team Must Know - Dr. Phil Walton UBC Continuing Dental Education Faculty of Dentistry, The University of British Columbia -- Finished viewing this video? Please…

From  Kaltura Team 0 plays 0  

The Basic Rules of Occlusion - Dr. Racich

The Basic Rules of Occlusion - Michael J. Racich UBC Continuing Dental Education Faculty of Dentistry, The University of British Columbia -- Finished viewing this video? Please return to your online…

From  Kaltura Team 0 plays 0  

Porcelain Veneers: A Comprehensive Approach from Design to Cementation - Dr. Amiri

Porcelain Veneers: A Comprehensive Approach from Design to Cementation - Dr. Nariman AmiriUBC Continuing Dental EducationFaculty of Dentistry, The University of British Columbia-- Finished viewing…

From  Kaltura Team 3 plays 0  

Ultrasonics and Covid-19: Strategy for a Strong Comeback - Dani Botbyl

Ultrasonics and Covid-19: Strategy for a Strong Comeback - Dani BotbylUBC Continuing Dental EducationFaculty of Dentistry, The University of British Columbia-- Finished viewing this video? Please…

From  Kaltura Team 0 plays 0  

Bulk-Fill Composites: What, When and How - Dr. Manso

Bulk-Fill Composites: What, When and How - Dr. Adriana MansoUBC Continuing Dental Education Faculty of Dentistry, The University of British Columbia-- Finished viewing this video? Please return to…

From  Kaltura Team 0 plays 0  

Where There's Smoke, There's Fire - Dr. Donaldson

Where There's Smoke, There's Fire - Dr. Mark Donaldson UBC Continuing Dental Education Faculty of Dentistry, The University of British Columbia-- Finished viewing this video? Please return…

From  Kaltura Team 43 plays 0  

Red, White or Blue; What Do I Do?

Red, White or Blue; What Do I Do? - Dr. Charles Shuler UBC Continuing Dental Education Faculty of Dentistry, The University of British Columbia-- Finished viewing this video? Please return to your…

From  Kaltura Team 20 plays 0  

Faculty Town Hall - September 11, 2020

Faculty of Dentistry, The University of British Columbia

From  Kaltura Team 0 plays 0  

UBC Children's Dental Program

Faculty of Dentistry, The University of British ColumbiaKavita Mathu-Muju, Marilyn Blondahl

From  Kaltura Team 2 plays 0  

Axium Orientation - New Desktop

From  Kaltura Team 36 plays 0  

Axium Orientation for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th-year students

CHAPTERS IN THIS VIDEO: Drag playhead to jump around or click navigation link (three stacked lines) in upper left corner of video 0:00 Introduction to axiUm 2:00 Rolodex: Overview 2:02 --Search…

From  Kaltura Team 96 plays 0  

Axium Orientation for Grad students

CHAPTERS IN THIS VIDEO: Drag playhead to jump around or click navigation link (three stacked lines) in upper left corner of video 0:00 Introduction to axiUm 1:50 Rolodex: Overview 2:00 --Search…

From  Kaltura Team 25 plays 0  

Axium Orientation - How to Login

From  Kaltura Team 82 plays 0  

Axium Orientation for Instructors

CHAPTERS IN THIS VIDEO: Drag playhead to jump around or click navigation link (three stacked lines) in upper left corner of video 0:00 Introduction to axiUm & the Rolodex 1:58 -- Search for…

From  Kaltura Team 26 plays 0  

Axium Orientation for First-year students

CHAPTERS IN THIS VIDEO: Drag playhead to jump around or click navigation link (three stacked lines) in upper left corner of video 0:00 Introduction to axiUm 1:47 Rolodex: Overview 1:56 --Search…

From  Kaltura Team 69 plays 0  

Saliva - All You Need to Know From Caries to Covid-19 (re-upload)

Saliva - All You Need to Know From Caries to Covid-19 - Dr. Eli Whitney UBC Continuing Dental Education Faculty of Dentistry, The University of British Columbia-- Finished viewing this video? Please…

From  Kaltura Team 0 plays 0  

Saliva - All You Need to Know From Caries to Covid-19

Saliva - All You Need to Know From Caries to Covid-19 - Dr. Eli Whitney UBC Continuing Dental Education Faculty of Dentistry, The University of British Columbia-- Finished viewing this video? Please…

From  Kaltura Team 0 plays 0  

Planmeca Dental Chair - Part 2: Chair Operation

Nobel Biocare Oral Health CentreFaculty of Dentistry, The University of British Columbia

From  Kaltura Team 7 plays 0  

Planmeca Dental Chair - Part 1: Introduction

Nobel Biocare Oral Health CentreFaculty of Dentistry, The University of British Columbia

From  Kaltura Team 10 plays 0  

Overview of Academic Systems - Guest, Maire

Overview of Academic Systems in UBC Dentistry Maire Guest, Curriculum Manager Faculty of Dentistry, The University of British Columbia

From  Kaltura Team 1 plays 0  

CHTP Protocols for In-Person Access during COVID-19

UBC Centre for High-Throughput Phenogenomics Dr. Nancy Ford Faculty of Dentistry, The University of British Columbia

From  Kaltura Team 0 plays 0  

What Needs To Be In Your Emergency Medical Kit - Dr. Mark Donaldson

What Needs To Be In Your Emergency Medical Kit - Dr. Mark Donaldson UBC Continuing Dental Education Faculty of Dentistry, The University of British Columbia-- Finished viewing this video? Please…

From  Kaltura Team 16 plays 0  

Local Anesthesia Mythbusters - Dr. Jason H. Goodchild

Local Anesthesia Mythbusters - Dr. Jason H. GoodchildUBC Continuing Dental Education Faculty of Dentistry, The University of British Columbia-- Finished viewing this video? Please return to your…

From  Kaltura Team 17 plays 0