Search for tag: "students"

SaP Interview Sara Ann Knutson

From  Nicole Ronan 5 plays 0  

UBC Academic Essentials: LW2LW Testimonial - Complete this sentence. "The best way to thrive as a student at UBC is…"

From  Josefina Rosado 0 plays

UBC Academic Essentials: LW2LW Testimonial - What are the 3 words you would use to describe the qualities of a successful UBC student?

From  Josefina Rosado 0 plays

UBC Academic Essentials: LW2LW Testimonial - What was the most important thing you discovered about yourself in your first few weeks at UBC?

From  Josefina Rosado 0 plays

UBC Academic Essentials: LW2LW Testimonial - Imagine you could go back in time and speak to yourself in the summer before starting at UBC. What advice would you give yourself?

From  Josefina Rosado 0 plays

UBC Academic Essentials: LW2LW Testimonial - What tips do you have for maintaining wellbeing as a university student?

From  Josefina Rosado 0 plays

UBC Academic Essentials: LW2LW Testimonial - What learning strategies do you find have helped you most at UBC?

From  Josefina Rosado 0 plays

UBC Academic Essentials: LW2LW Testimonial - What was the biggest difference for you between being a high school student and being a university student?

From  Josefina Rosado 0 plays

UBC Academic Essentials: LW2LW Testimonial - How would you describe your transition from high school to first year university?

From  Josefina Rosado 0 plays

Canvas Download Media

In this video you can learn how to enable the download option to your media. Get to know the Download tab.

From  Kaltura Team 9 plays 0  

Canvas Download Media

In this video you can learn how to enable the download option to your media. Get to know the Download tab.

From  Kaltura Team 23 plays 0  

Canvas Adding Attachments

In this video you can learn how to add related files to your media. Get to know the Attachments tab.

From  Kaltura Team 4 plays 0  

Canvas Video Assignments

In this video you can learn how to embed videos in context of an assignments

From  Kaltura Team 9 plays 0  

Canvas Chapters and Slides

In this video you can learn how to add chapters and slides to your media. Get to know the Timeline tab.

From  Kaltura Team 15 plays 0  

Canvas Student Contributions and Moderation of the Course Gallery

In this video you can learn how to enable moderation in the course media gallery and see the media approval process

From  Kaltura Team 3 plays 0  

Canvas Publishing and Search

In this video you can learn how to publish videos in media gallery

From  Kaltura Team 3 plays 0  

Canvas Video Discussions

In this video you can learn how to embed videos in context of a discussions

From  Kaltura Team 3 plays 0  

Canvas Commenting

In this video you can learn how to enable commenting on course media gallery

From  Kaltura Team 4 plays 0  

Canvas Course Media Gallery

From  Kaltura Team 8 plays 0  

Canvas Course Gallery Playlists

In this video you can learn how to create a playlist in a course media gallery

From  Kaltura Team 6 plays 0